Tuning in to our feelings is the first step to working successfully with the Law of Attraction.
As lunar energy changes zodiac signs every couple days, so to, do our feelings energetically respond in reflection. Have you ever noticed how quickly moods can shift, as well as follow similar patterns over time?
The Moon is astrologically “in charge” of our emotions. If we are not in check with our feelings, we are missing the most valuable component we need to understand to work with the law of attraction in order to manifest and deliberately create our lives.
Tracking the moon’s motion is a fantastic timing tool to utilize for successful planning and scheduling to achieve our optimal results. Being equally aware of how Moon Void of Course (Moon VOC) passages frequently fall into any given week in our lives is a cherished timing is everything astrological tip. Moon VOC always advises us when not to make important decisions or plant any kind of initiations.
Utilize this handy guide below alongside your weekly Empowerscopes on Empower Radio. Each week, you receive the latest need to know Moon Void of Course times and our current LunarOScopes advice concerning the month’s New and Full Moon. Whether we are waxing or waning, there is specific rhythm and timing is everything advise to be initiating or reflecting.
Our Lunar Lady without fail visits each of the 12 zodiac signs within one calendar month’s time. At any moment, the Moon is in current transit within our natal birthcharts, asking for us to focus upon feeling in a specific area of our lives.
Moon in Aries | How Our Feelings Find Motivation
Element: Fire | Moon transits in fire signs attract inspiration, spiritedness, creativity & aggression
Task: Leadership, Future Plans, Sparking Our Initiations
Engage: courage, moderation, patience, forethought, humility, enthusiasm, assertiveness
Avoid: restlessness, disobedience, aggression, conflict, anger, selfishness
Consciously Aim For: Leadership
Take Action. Slow Down. Be Inspired. Start Something New. Be Courageous. Kill ‘em with Kindness.
Moon in Taurus | How Our Feelings Find Contentment
Element: Earth | Moon Transits in earth signs attract practicality, grounding and sensibility
Task: Organization, Creating Structure, Managing Our Resources
Engage: conservation, resourcefulness, sensuality, endurance, meditation, intuition, persistence
Avoid: materialism, lethargy, obstinacy, possessiveness, stubbornness, stagnation, impatience
Consciously Aim For: Security
Be patient. Enjoy the Arts. Appreciate Nature. Save Money. Meditate. Build Something to Last.
Moon in Gemini | How Our Feelings Find Awareness
Element: Air | Moon Transits in air signs attract intellectual stimulation, socialization & conversation
Task: Communications, Anticipating Change, Moving Our Thought & Action
Engage: logic, observation, cleverness, reasonability, concentration, relaxation, organization
Avoid: opportunistic, craftiness, distractions, duality, instability, and suggestibility
Consciously Aim For: Synthesis
Startup a Conversation. Be Clever. Ask Questions. Gather information. Unite. Find a Focus.
Moon in Cancer | How Our Feelings Find Sensitivity
Element: Water | Moon transits in water signs attract sensitivity, receptivity & intuition
Task: Leadership, Future Plans, Directing Our Imaginations
Engage: sympathy, social ability, domestication, sensitivity, nurturing, reliving experiences
Avoid: indolence, moodiness, apprehension, being timid, emotional attachments
Consciously Aim For: Emotional Enfoldment
Show You Care. Cook. Enjoy Food at Home. Call the Family. Love Your Environment. Listen to Déjà vu
Moon in Leo | How Our Feelings Find Confidence
Element: Fire | Moon transits in fire signs attract inspiration, spiritedness, creativity & aggression
Task: Organization, Creating Structure, Managing Our Ego-Center
Engage: generosity, dignity, loyalty, leadership, enjoyment, warmth, heart-center, faith
Avoid: conceitedness, self-indulgence, being territorial, opinionated, drama, vanity, indolence
Consciously Aim For: Creative Self-Expression
Go Play. Get creative. Connect to your heartspace. Talk to children. Flirt with Love Affairs. Enjoy Luxury.
Moon in Virgo | How Our Feelings Find Efficiency
Element: Earth | Moon Transits in earth signs attract practicality, grounding and sensibility
Task: Communications, Anticipating Change, Journeying to Our Perfection
Engage: details, cleanliness, being of service, study, purity, politeness, modesty
Avoid: fussiness, doubt, nit-picky, timid, calculating, aloof, cold, over-analysis
Consciously Aim For: Perfection
Examine Details. Cleanup. Be of Service. Study. Fix things. Go behind the scenes. Develop strategy.
Moon in Libra | How Our Feelings Become Refined
Element: Air | Moon Transits in air signs attract intellectual stimulation, socialization & conversation
Task: Leadership, Future Plans, Balancing Our Ideas
Engage: intuition, comparison, peace, sensitivity, harmony, co-operation, understanding
Avoid: Co-dependency, laziness, evasiveness, judgment, eagerness to please
Consciously Aim For: Harmony
Seek to Understand. Be Fair. Find Romance. Make Music. Embellish Beauty. Make it Even.
Moon in Scorpio How Our Feelings Become Magnetic
Element: Water | Moon transits in water signs attract sensitivity, receptivity & intuition
Task: Organization, Creating Structure, Managing Our Bigger Picture
Engage: determination, sensitivity, self-reliance, control, passion, investigation, regeneration
Avoid: brooding, retaliation, self-torment, suspicion, jealousy, fanaticism
Consciously Aim For: Power
Look at the Big Picture. Go Investigate. Let Go. Become Reborn. Wield Wealth. Uncover secrets.
Moon in Sagittarius | How Our Feelings Become Enthusiastic
Element: Fire | Moon transits in fire signs attract inspiration, spiritedness, creativity & aggression
Task: Communications, Anticipating Change, Moving Our Beliefs & Philosophies
Engage: exploration, education, philosophy, inquiry, honesty, independence, joy
Avoid: restlessness, outspokenness, argumentativeness, superficiality, tactlessness
Consciously Aim For: Wisdom
Get Adventurous. Take a Chance. See the Bright Side. Target the Truth. Learn something. Feel Lucky.
Moon in Capricorn | How Our Feelings Become Serious
Element: Earth | Moon Transits in earth signs attract practicality, grounding and sensibility
Task: Leadership, Future Plans, Receiving Our Rewards
Engage: reliability, prudence, steadfastness, patience, ambition, stability
Avoid: brooding, gloominess, suspicion, heartlessness, repression, stagnation
Consciously Aim For: Integrity
Set Goals. Prioritize. Make plans. Be Diligent. Reap Rewards. Accept Responsibility. Allow Recognition.
Moon in Aquarius | How Our Feelings Become Humane
Element: Air | Moon Transits in air signs attract intellectual stimulation, socialization & conversation
Task: Organization, Creating Structure, Managing Our Innovations
Engage: sincerity, logic, independence, genius, progress, friendliness, altruism
Avoid: reservation, obstinacy, inefficiency, erratic behavior, indifference, detachment
Consciously Aim For: Truth & Knowledge
Make improvements. Honor individualism. Capture Ideas. Be Different. Think of the Future.
Moon in Pisces How Our Feelings Find Powerful Instinct
Element: Water | Moon transits in water signs attract sensitivity, receptivity & intuition
Task: Communications, Anticipating Change, Sensing Our Subconscious
Engage: inspiration, clairvoyance, mystery, spirituality, sentimentality, sympathy, dream study
Avoid: deceptions, weak-wills, over-indulgences, discouragement, aloofness
Consciously Aim For: Understanding
Listen to Intuition. Enjoy Your Dreams. Understand the Unknown. Watch Movies. Drink Tea.
Lunar Cycles & Your Personal Experience
Our timing is everything gets personal when we take the time and investment to understand how the moon’s movement is always in play within our lives. Explore more on how to align your peace of mind and keys to success with your Personal Forecast!
What Do Your Latest LunarOScopes advise you are favored to be Initiating or Reflecting upon?
Let’s Manifest Your Magic with Feeling!
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