“Emotion is the indicator of how much power you’ve got.” ~Abraham
Reinventing the Truth of Equilibrium for Humanity
Full Moon in Libra
2:48pmEDT, 28 March, Let’s Release & Reflect
With any Full Moon, our Sun and Moon have reached opposition within the Zodiac sky above. Energetically, emotions and feelings of humanity naturally rise just like the oceans’ tides will equally reflect down here below. Waning Phases begin upon this monthly exact opposition moment, and then favor to let go, review, honor and heal on a personal level throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie alongside the collective request to do the same.
This month our releasing request peaks at 08 degrees Libra, to wane through Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces until the fourth New Moon of 2021 and first for our Spring season arrives at 22 degrees Aries, 11 April.
This sixteenth Full Moon of the new decade and third for 2021, casts us into helpful reflection from justice seeking Libra, as it exposes more of 2021’s Changing Global Truth promise, with this waning phase pursuing under the rare passage of All Planets Direct Motion, 20 February to 27 April. Releasing energies within this diplomatic sign have some surprises that should not be wavered upon concerning what emerges, especially for those who have been already been intensely comparing their former belief systems to what awakening otherwise is unfolding.
Our focus upon feeling pulls out further thinking outside of the box reflection now from where The Scales seek for harmony in order to honor the very need for consistency to flow within our lives, inviting aligned attraction to follow.
Our Full Moons have all peaked at 8 degrees in a holding pattern that ultimately was at work to reestablish equilibrium for the collective during the past four of five months, which started off with 31 October’s Full Moon at 08 degrees Taurus, Shock Factor Surrendering of Securities.
All of our Full Moons -except 28 January at 09 degrees Leo- peaked at the 08 degrees mark of the sign they make their monthly opposition within.
Connecting to Healing Our Communications: Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon 08 deg Gemini, 30 Nov
Connecting to Healing Our Securities: Full Moon at 08 deg Cancer, 29 Dec
Reinventing the Truth in Purity for Humanity: Full Moon at 08 deg Virgo, 27 Feb
This same holding pattern (always a yearly focus and correction period to take important notice of) was at emotion and feeling soul work as well for all our New Moon initiations points during October 2020 to March 2021: all occurring at 23 degrees initiations.
This month’s reflective energy, completes this holding pattern from late 2020 to early 2021 at the 8th degree of Libra, which layers in one last equalizing opportunity to heal the adjusting, idealistic, comparative and susceptible channels that connect to how we are influenced by our diplomacy and what we choose to do to remain decisive concerning it accordingly. Now, our co-operative space and abilities to relate, strongly calls for us to address what is not amicably working with equilibrium with them.
8 is the vibration of infinity, learning from the experience, patience and stability.
Equally it is the vibration of entitlement, materialism and domineering authoritarian matters.
Our understanding of our past asks for us to closely examine it now for ultimate objectivity. Whatever has not been held in complete discernment within our lives is equally leaving us, as revelations of the suffering of the soul allow us to rise up to a deeper spiritual perception that seeks for genuine refinement within our ongoing EARTH HEART Shift, as we continue to accountably answer to the call of healing.
This month finds our Libra Full Moon in an uprooting conversation with the very outer planet of the unexpected and reform, Uranus- who is transiting in Taurus. Ever since Halloween’s intense start to this healing journey when emotional release started unfolding within Taurus as that Full Moon precisely conjuncted Taurus at 08 degrees, each and every Full Moon since has had a deep connection with this celestial being: and every time it upheaves another layer of disturbances for the collective to address. Uranus is striving at best to bring reinvention to humanity’s former instabilities involving securities, money and values, amongst the rest of the earthly shocking events continuing to unfold in its’ natural unpredictability.
What is being called upon now to be understood -now as the unexpected channels from Libra- has some quirky energies aligning from Uranus to allow these reforms to be more firmly accepted, yet at first they will not be easily grasped, or even held in plausible belief. As always from the wisdom of a SILENT LISTEN, we can more clearly see the need that remaining grounded brings into our experiences as both energies connect us to the HEART of these matters circulating upon our very EARTH.
We must continue to learn from our experiences to embrace Spring’s Courageous Action for Humanity’s Truth especially relating to our understanding, fair and justice natures we have within Libra. This third Full Moon of 2021 connects us to all the more layering in of intense callings of release that will promise to accelerate further unfolding of the truth throughout this ever-changing belief systems year: with this one seeking for our absolute ability to cultivate firmness, decisiveness and consistency and honor our sensitivities to support our healing, letting go and releasing processes.
What Are You Letting Go of that involves Reinventing the Truth of Equilibrium for Humanity?
Soul Homework for 28 March’s Libra Full Moon
This waning phase through 11 April, asks us to become reachable and teachable in our abilities to see a spiritual channel from within, as we intently recognize where our need for refining our feelings and understanding genuinely lie, not allowing ourselves to become further broken by the fears that the world outside of us will continue to deliver. 2021’s Changing Global Truth unlocks this third waning phase of our year, as this natural upsurge of collective energy directs our feeling attention to release healing from Libra as it wanes until our next Aries New Moon.
Libra Full Moon Rituals Favor:
~Becoming more focused. Specifically within our lives where The Scales ask for sensitive feelings, precisely at 8 degrees Libra. As we are aware of any other planetary conversations this upsurging point has within our natal charts overall, we can personally heal.
~Writing with intention and willingness to release. Focusing in the tense of “Letting Go of How I RELATE….” allows us to connect to the collective calling for reflection, while we also fully acknowledge what we can let go of on a personal level (see your sun sign tap in below).
~Safely burning via ceremony. Anything we wrote down that we release with love and light to clear away what we no longer need as we let go, within the 24 hour period of the Full Moon peaking.
~Working with Gemstones. Placing all personal gemstones/metals in the Full Moon’s light to energetically cleanse them. Opal and copper are Libra’s power gemstone and metal to allow emotional healing to channel through us, engaging our imaginations to remain grounded in order to thrive.
~Working with Color: Light Blues & Rosy Pinks, earthen greens and browns, and all pastels are wonderful choices that resonate with Libra energy.
~Cleansing the Body: Libra guides balance, and thus rules the kidneys and bladder systems. Being mindful and attentive to this with a safe detox helps with energetically purifying the physical body. Equally, Libra beneficial foods that assist these organs are parsley and asparagus, which may resonate in mindful consumption, depending upon the individual during this waning phase.
As we honor the value of the SILENT LISTEN, we rightfully acknowledge what we are feeling, so we can always flow with The Law of Attraction. Full Moons are perfect timing to clear away and ideally heal energy within our lives, as we distinctly are energetically supported to draw upon conclusions concerning what already exists.

The Year’s third Full Moon and first for our Spring Season. Where will you be prepared to honor Reinventing the Truth of Equilibrium for Humanity, Dear Star?
ARIES: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Relate, connecting to your partnerships, legal agreements, business and personal relationships. Deeply appreciating and honoring the practice of seeking to understand, then be understood is quintessential for cooperation to thrive. Relationship doors naturally close that are not held with respect nor integrity. Be patient and walk away from any emotional drama, as you must stand in the value of your truth. See what else is apt to surprise you concerning your income potential, genuine worth and securities.
TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Serve, relating to your habits, routines, service to self and others, and your physical health. Your lifestyle is ready to cleanse and discard any kind of activity not allowing your personal resilience to thrive. Spend quality time with your pets if you have them. Trust you are reestablishing how you serve the world as well as yourself as you let go, breaking-through with more reinvention for your appearance and approaches to life to continue to reorient themselves with your changing face to the world.
GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Create, relating to your brain children, manifestations, physical children, love affairs and pleasures. Reflection surrounds your creative nature as emotion emerges with the discipline to disconnect from what has only blocked you from being genuinely grounded within your heart space. Keep welcoming time to retreat as an inner process is not fully completed yet which is also releasing those karmic cobwebs. Patiently work with letting go, and the creative roots you form, become solid ones.
CANCER: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Nurture, relating to your home, family, closest environments, psyche and paternal energies. Trust that your abilities to nourish are resetting their bar on the highest healing level, knowing all is part of what you no longer need for success to prevail right at home. As intense inner psyche processing is at your finger tips, hone in on any déjà vu especially connecting to what is reinventing about the directions your future is meant to go in, which is still surprising you with changing aspirations and wishes.
LEO: It’s time to focus upon releasing with how I Communicate, relating to your thinking, mentality, mindset, siblings and neighbors. Release negative thinking to clean up your imagination to be at peace with what is, allowing you to find flow as you trust in keeping anyone’s dirty feet outside your mind’s door. As you continue to steadily work with the ways your career is absolutely reinventing itself, whatever obstacles have been in the way here, find their means of uprooting and further clearing away, so you are able to find more faith in what your professional life holds.
VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon releasing what I Have, relating to your sources of income, values, possessions and overall sense of security. When you surrender to trusting not only simplification but moderation is at work in your absolute favor, you no longer tolerate the former ways the 3D world only held you in any false sense of unreliable security. This connects to more magical “ah ha epiphany” kinds of moments to arise for your own sense of the truth of what you ultimately believe, seeking now to educate you in those 5D ways you are able to thrive.
LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon releasing with who I Am, relating to your appearance, emerging self, and the mask you wear to the world. Honoring your self-care to change your face to the world is not to be wavered upon, as you deeply dive and remove your former ways of taking on the world that no longer support you if you truly wish to equalize. Release, grieve and heal your ego’s fear-based approaches to life as you genuinely transform, reforming them into regenerative processes engaging a different scope upon your entire life, surrendering in rebirth.
SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Process, relating to your solitude, retreat, inner work your subconscious and dream state. This diligent self-work grants you profound insight in order to further the healing to truly cut your attachments to the karmic ties binding you to the past you no longer need. Honor your solitude to hear the answers as you connect them to what you are reforming concerning your partnerships and legalities across the board, which will require some seeking to understand before being understood.
SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Socialize, relating to your future goals, aspirations, friends, groups, peers and ultimate hopes and wishes. Boundaries will need to be drawn concerning what and who you no longer need to set your aims upon within these areas. As you let go of previous future goals, there are equal lifestyle adjustments which are part of how this entire picture is working with a reinvention process. Breaking habits and routines that do not serve your best interests concerning friends, is where you will need to draw a definitive line.
CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Structure, relating to your career, public and professional life and views upon authority. You are rewarded as you take necessary time to heal any pains and fears connecting to your existing work, as you let go and cleanse. As you eliminate any uncertainty concerning fulfilling your purpose, understand the cooperative ways you must level up connecting to what it means to honor creativity in your life. Balance can be restored now that sets you apart to work with loyalty to your heart space.
AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing with what I Believe, relating to your willingness to be educated, abilities to grow, foreign affairs/travel, standing in your truth and expression of your philosophies. Allow yourself to completely disconnect from former belief systems of the past. While extremely difficult truths may hurt for you to let go of, it is time to look deep into your nurturing space and see where nourishment has been misplaced. This is a potent time to reinvent your understanding of your home and family life.
PISCES: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Transform, relating to your wealth, sexuality, abilities to transform, regenerate and change. This equalizing surge of rebirth resets you on the deepest level from your very core and source energy. As changes surround your view upon the full scope of your entire life, the past is gone, and never returning. What is changing now via the means of refinement, seeks for you to take a more outside of the box look at your abilities to communicate, capture those invigorating ideas, and align your peace of mind.
Attain Your Soul Certainty in these Uncertain Times. What does your Personal Forecast say for this Libra Full Moon from YOUR natal chart? Explore continuing Special Priced Forecasting Packages.
Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for weekly timing is everything tips! Anytime of the month, always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling your matters of importance.