Lunar-O-Scope, 29 October 2012

FULL Moon in Taurus, 29 October

Regenerative Reflection

It’s that time of the year to welcome a release of energy where The Bull takes a stance in your life! The opportunity to uproot what is no longer necessary in your Taurus piece of the Zodiac Pie is ready to be part of your Autumn clean-up so transformation can continue to be hard at work over where The Eagle soars. Just where in your life will this determined and persistent instinct wane throughout 13 November?

Moon enters Taurus
Monday 29 October, 2:15am EDT to Wednesday 31 October, 2:40pm EDT

Opportunity is knocking at the collective’s door at this time of the month when our emotions enter reflection mode. When our Full Moon embarks in the practical and patient energies of Taurus -the sign that consciously aims for security- we are now ready to allow an enduring and regenerative spirit to guide our “digging up” of what is best to clear where the Bull fixes things within our lives. Fixed Earth is Taurus’s elemental influence, so look to this passage to allow feelings to uproot, and change the grounding feeling that may no longer be working optimally.

Full Moon, 29 October, 3:49pm EDT, 06 degrees Taurus
This offering from Taurus brings forth deep, intuitive, and sensuous feelings as our Lunar Light graces her luminosity with The Bull. Emotions under Taurus must beware of dogged, materialistic, lethargic, and obstinate behaviors that may arise. When any possessive energies are around, it is easy to gravitate to unimaginative and reactionary tendencies. While a strong sense of values and patience mark any journey with The Bull; the cultivation of enterprise, adaptability, and vision are always wise to adhere to.

For the Collective
This Full Moon offers us release at the 06 degree of Taurus, which makes for some wonderfully harmonious energy that brings forth an intense compassionate power to aide perception into what is leaving within our lives.  Remember co-operative and sympathetic acts require that Taurus PATIENCE -where I TAP IN AN ANCIENT PEACE PACE- which comes in super handy as our feelings are processed here. If you see from a more feminine perspective in view of this slice of life, you’ll find, there is love right there waiting to help you as well.

Furthering upon the peaceful ways release is possible with this lunation, is the flowing trine from Neptune in Pisces to our Sun and Saturn in Scorpio, as The Mystic planet also makes an easeful sextile to our Lunar Lady, all between intuitive water and grounding earthen energies. Add in Pluto in Capricorn’s sextile as well to our Sun and equal trine to the Moon: our outer planets are trying to communicate how much clearing thinking and discrimination is necessary so we can move forward in a visionary idealism. It’s time to take social issues very seriously, and feel our individual responsibility to them. Restrictions are no longer able to be tolerated between where The Eagle soars and The Fishes swim within the life- so make sure to make an effort to balance out here.

Lunar-O-Scope, Full Moon in Taurus, 29 October 2012
For the collective horoscope, again we offer some simple advice for every sign from the outer vantage point. Remember if you know your Rising Sign (Ascendant), read that passage too, for it typically will apply to your personal charts’ advice. However, it is the awareness and mathematical analysis of the individual birth chart that will point to the accuracy of how the current planetary landscape affects you.

For the true astrology buffs, be sure to check the Taurus House, in particular where the 06-degree Taurus spot in your natal birth chart lives. (A natal birth chart is determined from the time of birth, which allows a more in-depth look to equally see where some pondering is ideally meant to unfold in how the planets uniquely affect you.) Whether the collective or individual vantage point, these are the areas of life that call for you to bring forth release and cleansing within the next two weeks to follow. Properly embracing the reflection and completion in these areas until the next New Moon and Solar Eclipse upon 13 November will make the space in life for new later.

Aries: You’ll be in the mood to direct yourself to a change within your sense of values as you take stock of your personal possessions with what “ I Have.” How you earn your dollars may change. A worn-out sense of security is ready to say adios, so feel free to make positive choices here now- tossing out the unnecessary material in the home is ideal- shop now for bargains. Be responsible to your core and let your inner process retreat to the unknown like never before.

Taurus: It’s your month steady Bull to release an old worn out mask you wear showing who “I Am.” Tired and weary approaches wish for you to un-earthen your roots to them. We know you like slower changes, yet don’t resist this Universal blessing wishing to quickly find you! Avoid surgery over this lunation, take time to focus upon you and re-activate the self. Your partnerships say work harder and see how much your hopes, dreams and wishes really do come true.

Gemini: The logic now for both sides of you is to unite the energies within those unseen places and deeper ideas in your life where “I Process.” The spiritual, subconscious realms, and the psychological make-ups of life call to quiet your chatty self, and relinquish what is necessary from the past. Pay extra close attention to your nighttime dreams, they relate clues to your waking world. The way you serve the world ambitiously speaks to your public life to solidify goals here.

Cancer: Where “I Socialize” captures this lunar focus, so whatever may need to be cleared out, go with your gut here. Hopes and wishes are equally in need of re-examination. If a group or cause no longer works -don’t remain in your shell- allow those claws to release their grip. Do accept that possible unexpected invitation to socialize. Creatively, it is time to recognize your greatest wisdom yet, but, you first must remember to check-in where you believe you can.

Leo: Redefine what harvest, stability, and reward really mean to you within your career and public life where “I Structure.” Completion is ready to emerge within that forest you reign so well Lion. Equally, this is a prominent time to reflect upon promoting or starting-up a new business. A nice recognition comes your way if your proper legwork was done to receive it. Authority figures shift. The environments you responsibility nurture are able to transform into significant wealth.

Virgo: Inspiration fuels where you reflect upon your philosophies and where “I Believe.” Feel that urge to travel and take a trip Virgin? You may now reflect upon ones you’ve had, or how you can make plans for more perfect ones in the future- all broadening your view of the world at large. Revisit adventures that engage your expansion and renew educational pursuits.  There is no better time to know when you maturely think about your partnerships, you learn stability.

Libra: While you always weigh the pros and cons, now these focus upon your securities and investments where “I Transform.” Now is the ideal time to reflect upon future decisions for changes here. The doors are open to review the core parts of you desiring completion- feelings embark intensely within rebirth for you. Enjoy the passion in being friendly to those sexy feelings. Learning what you value most, brings more imagination to how you can better serve others.

Scorpio: Your partnerships- romantic or business, are where your probing abilities research the truth of the matter now where “I Relate.” You’ve been already wondering what should stay or go here, and now is the time to make the space. People you reflect upon over this waning period are of special importance to future successes. It is the time to know a slow patient process of change is around you, and if you allow some creative time, you’ll reap the reward to honor them.

Sagittarius: Aim your arrows towards your health Dear Archer, and feel the improvement where “I Serve.” Let go of self-deceiving habits to bring in some renewed feelings of honesty for yourself. Your service others has also been in the process of naturally reworking itself- toss out old worn-out routines and look to let go of old patterns where you are employed. Time alone really sends home some important messages on how to nurture your environments better.

Capricorn: While an ambitious pursuit is welcomed, your creative nature now desires your full attention for this request to release Old Goat where “I Create.” Perfection is never too far away, and whatever your current project involves, it asks to reassess your inspired ideas. Playful feelings surround you- share time with kids or “brain children.” Somehow, where you socialize awaits your innate thoughts on how to be more responsible to hopes, dreams and wishes.

Aquarius: Ready to re-invent in the home Water Bearer where “I Nurture?” Reflecting upon improving this area of the life allows your individual way of doing things to flourish all the more later. Family time is rewarding. Your prophetic nature gets a boost from those déjà vu experiences, whose messages are of importance. The responsibility ahead in your public life is softened by the know that what you have is going to bring in an idea to earn more through it all.

Pisces: The waters your mentality swims in Dear Fishes now find some recycle time, as these are ready to absorb some review like a sponge where “I Communicate.” Short trips linger in the mind, and how to make them even more satisfying! Your intuition logically reveals what should not remain rooted in your thinking. Siblings or neighbors capture your attention too. Just being responsible to your core and over all wealth makes sure all of your first impressions make sense.

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