Now that the decision has been made who America’s 45th President is, the next decision involves understanding the changing times that are upon the nation overall.
It was never my business to toss around my 2016 Election “predictions” to you which I strongly believe affect the right to execute your own free will. I equally am not any kind of political expert. However, in my private consulting practice, my mission is to align peace of mind in changing times.
As a nation, America has a natal birth chart. Right now, one of the most telling current transits surrounding the changes we see arriving as challenges comes from Saturn on the country’s natal Ascendant/Rising Sign. This planet will be in the USA’s 1st House (Emerging Self, Appearance, Persona, First Impressions of Life) -making sure we distinctly alter our approaches to life as a country as well as how we appear overall to the world at large- for the next 3 years into November 2019. What does this exactly mean?
Saturn’s transits are slow and allow anyone to learn from their experiences as they occur. Yet, they bring everything into the spotlight of what is currently not being done responsibly nor with wisdom. Whatever part of life Saturn affects via current transit, he has to be listened to like a father figure. Saturn does make life come to a seemingly dramatic pause. This is because we are meant to be taking a real SILENT LISTEN whenever he is around.
The United States is extremely due for some disciplinary times that now ask for ultimate patience and wisdom to navigate through what is next to come. The instability that has been progressing in this country is now being asked to become stabilized.
Whether you don’t like or are completely thrilled with the outcome of yesterday’s election, the question now to ask is patriotism in your space? Patriotism is what will heal the UNTIED that currently exists within the UNITED States of America.
Never forget, the USA is a young, and an extremely young country. This is a powerful time we are now amidst of growing pains much like a teenager experiences from an energetic point of view.
I wrote back in July, The Nurturing of America: Understanding a 2 Personal Year Cycle. This is a Lunar guided year, meaning, it is fueled with emotions, intense feelings surrounding the home and family, as well as digging deep into the roots of the psyche of the nation overall. This year distinctly says to watch the current transits of the Moon, especially Solar and Lunar Eclipses which will be the most indicative as to what is meant to unfold, and where within the country this nurturing needs to be adhered to the most.
I’ll get back to the eclipses in a minute. Interestingly, the USA had a natal lunar return under an equal Moon Void of Course upon Election Day. (See inner slice of the pie in area 3, the moon glyph is our natal one in the Sign of Aquarius) Leading up to yesterday’s historic day of choice which then was revealed under a Pisces Moon, it certainly has been nothing else but stirred in emotion- which is how the USA communicates & thinks normally -all through how it feels. As this day changes everything, people have to remember to respond, not react… the very key to ever dealing with holding an emotional mentality.
It is so easy to see why the country is seen to be incredibly standing in that UNTIED energy in today’s world, even if the intended goal when the nation was born was UNITED. Yet, because the 3rd house for the country is ruled by Aquarius- emotional thinking is the norm- in the potential outcomes of rebellious, detached or confined feelings & expression of them- humanitarian ones are the most important we need to remember that serve the nation the best in what ideas we are able to execute, and should be nurturing as a whole.
Strong Pisces Solar & Lunar Eclipses have also kicked off in this USA 3rd house (guiding thinking, communications, mindsets, short trips, siblings and our neighbors) over the past year starting in March 2016. Due to the math, the nation’s 3rd House starts at 24deg Aquarius (one more hits here 25 feb 2017 from Pisces) so the country’s thinking must realize it needs to change overall.
The pairing eclipses that kicked off in March & September in the opposite sign of Virgo, take the ways the nation needs to change it’s mindset and communications so it can over time, equally instill new beliefs systems that stand in truth. The nations’ philosophies and idealisms have also been coming to boil at a critical moment of collapse so new expressions are able to move in.
There are so many more details within the country’s current transits pointing to these challenging times. To remain focused on the most important ones to understand, it is being in the know of the USA’s Sagittarius ASC and how Saturn’s current presence is now undeniably vying for our attention to listen carefully.
Also forming and in play, is a square to our nations 12 deg Sagittarius Ascendant from the current Neptune at 09 degrees Pisces, who also in a longer term current transit in our 3rd house. These next 3 years via this transit, only become more intense as it points to the revelation of reality & responsibility combating against deception & denial.
The timing is everything for the ways things are unfolding right now. There is a new foundation asking to be built that changes the nation’s approaches to everything and how this world looks at America. In order for us to succeed moving forward, the country’s old mindset in must be thrown away in order to begin.
Many people may choose to believe our country now will back slide. From astrology’s and numerology’s point of view, this doesn’t have to be the case. There is no doubt, America is amidst very intense times of growing pains. Saturn on the nation’s Ascendant is absolutely calling for union that will only unfold through maturity. You are evolving into a young adult past your teenager years America, so it is rising up in maturity that the country needs to adhere to be able to move forward.
Saturn determined the outcome of the 2016 Election and now says, it is time to surrender to what must change. Congratulations, President Elect Donald Trump. May responsibility, dignity, patience, and stability be your guiding lights for America during the next 4 years.
“Listen or your tongue will make you deaf.”
~Native American Cree Proverb