Jovial Jupiter Jumps into GEMINI

Jupiter enters Gemini

11 June

1:22pm EDT

Just when you thought the current party in Gemini could not get any hotter, get ready for the level to be raised a many more bars where The Twins ideally wish to unite it all within your Zodiac Pie until 25 June 2013.

Since 15 May, we’ve been in the ongoing request of Venus Retrograde review here until 27 June, asking us all to get this area of our lives in harmonious order. The value of what action flourishes here is truly worth is under current examination of what should stay and what should go. Furthering the excitement was also seen with the Solar Eclipse 20 May and Venus/Sun in Gemini alignment 05 June, granting us trigger points to take note of as Jupiter now happily moves in with The Twins for the next year.

Undoubtedly, Jupiter crossing into Gemini at the 0 degree will bring out abundant feelings that relate to this recent Solar Eclipse degree point kick-off –but as all astrological laws go- as the gathering of the information will present itself to ponder, the actual forward motion is completely favored once 27 June comes to pass when Venus turns Direct. Solar Eclipses always offer a trail of energy that can last for up to an entire years’ time, so as our planet of expansion now joins in the Gemini surge, you can be sure the new beginnings streaming from here will be more than satisfying in multitudes of ways.

You’ll find this piece of your Zodiac Pie to be totally “cranking” as we come to the close of July, when the shadow of the Venus Retrograde passage concludes as Venus crosses back over the 23 degree of Gemini moving forward. Looking to early September, Jupiter reaches the 15 degree Gemini mark that the Sun and Venus got historically aligned upon 05 June. More clues to your “if it is new it is for you” will come into their glory within this forthcoming area of your life.

Now, aside from all of the obvious joys that Jupiter wishes to bless The Twins with in your life for the next year, just how does this energy ideally unfold? Gemini is one of our mutable communicator signs, so what you can expect is loads of information to decipher and assimilate. Known as the sign of awareness, adaptability, cleverness, and experimentation -as our Philosopher planet Jupiter brings forth his idealism to the Gemini stage- the ability to reach these concepts will be seemingly easy to reach, as the sense of being lucky with them also will reign.

With Jupiter being a benevolent planet, wherever he is transiting typically brings abundance, joy, education, travel, and newly found beliefs to take flight within that area of the life. In Gemini he will favor much enthusiasm for self-education, change, and innovation. Get ready for those IDEAS as AIDES to flow from every direction- and because Jupiter has no limits, you at worst, may feel overwhelmed with the opportunities to choose from. Another word of caution advises to not take for granted what will come to you, be over indulgent, nor take up with any kind of laziness or restless activities as this transit rides out.  Enjoying and giving that GREAT TRUE ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE for the prosperity and fortune that is about to display itself will come back in more rewards to you ten-fold.

With the amazing surge of power of expression Jupiter promises to bring to your Gemini slice of life, you will find this is accompanied by a clever, witty, and fertile mind-set. Take note of planets that are placed in the natal birth chart within The Twins, for these, will be activated and brought to center stage as this transit prevails. You’ll also find, any natal planets you may have in Libra or Aquarius will see a nice channel to flow from as their angles make the trine to Jupiter as he journeys along here. Look to the spirited areas of your chart within Aries and Leo for equal harmony as sextile aspects will be inspired as well.

Even as Jupiter will make his squares to Virgo and Pisces, and oppositions to Sagittarius, these won’t cause the typical rubs like other planets in harder aspects. It will be wise to watch the weeks through early July how he will square off to Neptune Retrograding in Pisces, as one may wish to heed not allowing these two areas of the life to get blocked with too much dreaminess, suspicion, or hysteria. 25 June -two days before Venus goes Direct- Jupiter directly squares Neptune and we may see some disturbances on the collective involving more financial loses through fraud come out of the woodwork. Refining one’s enthusiasm and becoming a bit more contemplative until July moves forward will not be star wisdom to ignore.

So, the question remains are you just about ready Dear Stars?!? If you haven’t done so, see the request for review the Value of Venus Retrograde has been asking of you to be truly prepared for all that is about to get even more activated where Gemini lives in your life. Couple this with the recent Solar Eclipse Lunar-O-Scope from 20 May, and be sure to check in later when we post the Lunar-O-Scope 2nd New Moon in Gemini of 2012 on 19 June. Being ultimately tapped into how The Twins do unite it all in the life, your thinking cap will be flushed, oiled and revved up and ready to go for all the adventures that Jupiter is about to bestow upon you.

VENUS Transit of The SUN, 2012

Image: Linda Goodman’s Star Cards

Perhaps you’ve already heard the buzz, about our currently retrograding gal Venus. As she is in the state of review while taking her backwards steps through Gemini, the sign that either unites or unties it all, she is going to do some pretty magical flirting with our mighty Sun 05 June, 9:09pmEDT/6:09pmPDT. These two benevolent planets team up at the very same 15th degree within The Twins for an astrological and astronomical event not seen since 2004, and one that only occurs twice in 8 years over an approximate 122 or 105-year period.

Do your research and you’ll discover The Mayans deeply understood this rare alignment of the Earth, Venus and the Sun to be such a powerful gateway to receive some real positive energy and channels of change from above down here below. Taking our planet of love, harmony and pleasure and letting her pair up exactly with the almighty Sun, and her energy is a force that will emit incredible things to embrace. However, even though, it’s all about to really start happening in Gemini right now with our recent Solar Eclipse 20 May and Jupiter about to jovially make the Gemini’s smile- you can not leave out that she isn’t looking where she is going.

There is still review to be had within the ongoing Venus Retrograde in Gemini and the means that it relates to our individual lives. Equally it is interesting to consider Monday 04 June’s Lunar Eclipse at the 14 degree of Sagittarius which offers up to aim in release and letting go period for over 6 months from the very opposing area of the life. As our North Node also has been transiting with The Archer since March 2011 -casting off a period of new emotional understanding and alignment where it expands your Zodiac Pie- the South Node in The Twins has been preparing the stage that Gemini is about to give a truly almost unbelievable show upon. The Nodes move on into the Taurus/Scorpio opposition for an 18month pass upon 29 August.

Jupiter gets excited to intellectualize and bring growth to The Twins starting 11 June- but Venus will stay in reflection  mode until 27 June. So as this rare transit of Venus crossing the Sun occurs at 15 degrees Gemini- the magic from it, in how it will be able to move us forward, will be on a slight delay. After she goes Direct, she will cross back over this 15 degree point upon 19 July, when we’ll also be experiencing a New Moon in Cancer. This is when you’ll receive some true pa-pow from seeing the continual positive affects from the Gemini slice of life.  (and yes… while Mercury will be Retrograde again by the 14 July, we’ll save The Messengers’ review period for another blog entry.)

Numerologically, The Chaldeans perspective of numbers casts more insightful light. First, the 15th degree of Gemini point- with the 15 representing ‘The Magician.’ What is more than likely the most important thing to visualize upon the alignment of our Sun and Venus is the image of having a midas touch where your natal 15 degree Gemini falls within the birth chart. You have magic to sow from this place for quite some time. Harmony is here as the 15 also reduces to a singular 6, a Venus guided cipher.  Goal setting is a wise way to spend some time upon 05 June. And don’t forget to DREAM BIG.

Right after those Nodes go on to get emotional with The Bull and The Eagle, Jupiter will be triggering this very same 15 Gemini degree point from 05 to 19 September. Get ready for some true adventure to be alive and very very well in this part of your life. The seeds of those big dreams you will plant now for the Universe to sow will start to see a little happiness sprouting up to start to SMILE the MILES for you.

Now, there is this pair understanding that happens with this auspicious occasion of our Sun and Venus bond -give or take every 105 or 122 years- so now we are going to go back a little ways to 2004. Oddly enough- 08 June 2004, Venus was also Retrograding in Gemini at the 17th degree when it last met up with the Sun there. Jupiter- was over in Virgo soon to form a square in the whole planetary picture, very close to where the current Mars in Virgo is at present.

Remembering that the 17’s ‘The Star of the Magi’ presence was part of the last Sun/Venus alignment, what was evolving from this part of the life in 2004 was a true learning from the experience time in the life. There is much from this time that will never be forgotten in its’ significance, so it is wise to remember what wisdom wishes to in a sense, remain eternalized.
With the 2004 17 deg Gemini and now 2012 15 deg Gemini Sun Venus alignment degree points so close, it is well advised to get out your memory banks and see what you can relate about what is happening in your life today, and the journey to get here now from 8 years ago. Whatever Current Personal Year Cycle you were within 2004, you will be experiencing that very same energy again one year from now, as another cycle of completion now begins as well. So keep pondering those IDEAS as AIDES, and you will discover how The Twins wish to make a UNITE and not the UNTIE.