The Peace Offering: The Star of David Planetary Alignment

“Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things, and still be calm in your heart.” ~Unknown

Whether you follow astrology or not, whatever sign you are, a marvelous and completely rare alignment today from above -when you take a moment in HEART to read your current transits- is personally affecting your life here upon the EARTH!

Today, The Moon in Taurus, Jupiter/Mars in Cancer, Venus in Virgo, Saturn in Scorpio, Pluto Rx in Capricorn & Neptune Rx in Pisces all interrelate with a trine or a sextile aspect at various times throughout it. See from the chart above, how the two triangles intersect between the earth and water energies to form the blue star? (it sits as we also see the red lines make the X as oppositions here are also made) As our energies are opposing or trining in water or earth, this creates the opportunities for completion, and a more than easy flow without blockages to receive their messages. Then, as you look to the green lines that form on the outside of the 6 points of the star, these are the connecting sextile energies between each water and earth sign all along our Zodiac Wheel, equally depicting a harmony that reigns as these elements are happy to speak with pleasing conversation.

Take a look at where all of your earth (Taurus, Virgo,  & Capricorn) and water energies (Cancer, Scorpio,  & Pisces) sit within your collective or natal zodiac pie. If you are viewing it from the collective, you simply take your sun sign and read this as the ascendant, which always starts upon the middle left of the chart: yes, right between where 12 and 1 mark the 1st and 12th houses. (or just scroll on down and find out what this all means for your sun sign!)

We always read how the current transits are affecting us in our personal forecast by placing the here and now on the outside of our natal birth chart, and then start moving counter clockwise around it. If you are looking simply from your sun sign, or if you know your individual Rising Sign/Ascendant (determined from the exact time you are born), either way will grant perspective into how this pattern that is being formed from above within our earth and water energies specifically relates to your individual life.

Each planet as it is currently visiting the different signs, can be viewed as bringing an offering of advice for how to handle the various room of your life it is personally affecting. This is how the here and now of planets are always casting a message to us from above down here below- and today, this happens to be relating some pretty smooth channels of conversation between the 04 and 10 degree points of our earth and water signs.

When we are looking to our earth and water energies, we also are looking at our Feminine area of the life as well. Whenever you are looking to your fire and air energies (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), these would be the masculine forces at play within the life. But in such a case as this, when our planets decide to bless us in such a way with this kind of open channel from the feminine, we find we have a true source that asks for our awakening to what this truly means within our life. If we take the time to rest from our words and thoughts, and take up in the action of the silent listen, it should be relatively easy to hear the answers we are meant to hear.

Take a wager and see just from your sun sign vantage point, how this calling is speaking to you. These areas of your life that are in the process of seeing their very own Star of David alignment today.  You will find as you relate one area of life to another, there will be a continuity you will find. Be in awareness of how opposing forces are still at play here, with how what the Moon in Taurus may be resisting from Saturn in Scorpio; as well as Jupiter and Mars in Cancer striving for freedom and fighting what Pluto in Capricorn across the way in life is seeking to regenerate for you.

When you connect the opposing forces within the life, you’ll find the assistance will come from the sextiles that are naturally speaking from either points of the opposition. So, Taurus energy receives help from Pisces and Cancer, its’ water friends; Scorpio energy from Virgo and Capricorn, its’ earth friends; Cancer from Taurus and Virgo, its’ earth friends; and Capricorn, from Scorpio and Pisces, its’ water friends.

Moon in Taurus: Feeling/Emotion/Reflection with what I Have.
Jupiter/Mars in Cancer: Motivation/Learning with how I Nurture.
Venus in Virgo: Finding Value where I Serve.
Saturn in Scorpio: Being Responsible to how I Transform.
Pluto Rx in Capricorn: Regenerating/Changing where I Structure.
Neptune Rx in Pisces: Inner Healing where I Process.

Moon in Taurus: Feeling/Emotion/Reflection with what I Am.
Jupiter/Mars in Cancer: Motivation/Learning with how I Communicate.
Venus in Virgo: Finding Value where I Create.
Saturn in Scorpio: Being Responsible to how I Relate.
Pluto Rx in Capricorn: Regenerating/Changing where I Believe.
Neptune Rx in Pisces: Inner Healing where I Socialize.

Moon in Taurus: Feeling/Emotion/Reflection with how I Process.
Jupiter/Mars in Cancer: Motivation/Learning with what I Have.
Venus in Virgo: Finding Value where I Nurture.
Saturn in Scorpio: Being Responsible to how I Serve.
Pluto Rx in Capricorn: Regenerating/Changing where I Transform.
Neptune Rx in Pisces: Inner Healing where I Structure.

Moon in Taurus: Feeling/Emotion/Reflection where I Socialize.
Jupiter/Mars in Cancer: Motivation/Learning with who I Am.
Venus in Virgo: Finding Value where I Communicate.
Saturn in Scorpio: Being Responsible to how I Create.
Pluto Rx in Capricorn: Regenerating/Changing where I Relate.
Neptune Rx in Pisces: Inner Healing where I Believe.

Moon in Taurus: Feeling/Emotion/Reflection with how I Structure.
Jupiter/Mars in Cancer: Motivation/Learning with how I Process.
Venus in Virgo: Finding Value with what I Have.
Saturn in Scorpio: Being Responsible to how I Nurture.
Pluto Rx in Capricorn: Regenerating/Changing where I Serve.
Neptune Rx in Pisces: Inner Healing where I Transform.

Moon in Taurus: Feeling/Emotion/Reflection with what I Believe.
Jupiter/Mars in Cancer: Motivation/Learning where I Socialize.
Venus in Virgo: Finding Value with who I Am.
Saturn in Scorpio: Being Responsible to how I Communicate.
Pluto Rx in Capricorn: Regenerating/Changing where I Create.
Neptune Rx in Pisces: Inner Healing where I Relate.

Moon in Taurus: Feeling/Emotion/Reflection with how I Transform.
Jupiter/Mars in Cancer: Motivation/Learning where I Structure.
Venus in Virgo: Finding Value where I Process.
Saturn in Scorpio: Being Responsible to what I Have.
Pluto Rx in Capricorn: Regenerating/Changing where I Nurture.
Neptune Rx in Pisces: Inner Healing where I Serve.

Moon in Taurus: Feeling/Emotion/Reflection with how I Relate.
Jupiter/Mars in Cancer: Motivation/Learning with what I Believe.
Venus in Virgo: Finding Value where I Socialize.
Saturn in Scorpio: Being Responsible to who I Am.
Pluto Rx in Capricorn: Regenerating/Changing with how I Communicate.
Neptune Rx in Pisces: Inner Healing where I Create.

Moon in Taurus: Feeling/Emotion/Reflection with how I Serve.
Jupiter/Mars in Cancer: Motivation/Learning with how I Transform.
Venus in Virgo: Finding Value where I Structure.
Saturn in Scorpio: Being Responsible to how I Process.
Pluto Rx in Capricorn: Regenerating/Changing what I Have.
Neptune Rx in Pisces: Inner Healing where I Nurture.

Moon in Taurus: Feeling/Emotion/Reflection with what I Create.
Jupiter/Mars in Cancer: Motivation/Learning with how I Relate.
Venus in Virgo: Finding Value where I Believe.
Saturn in Scorpio: Being Responsible to how I Socialize.
Pluto Rx in Capricorn: Regenerating/Changing who I Am.
Neptune Rx in Pisces: Inner Healing where I Communicate.

Moon in Taurus: Feeling/Emotion/Reflection with how I Nurture.
Jupiter/Mars in Cancer: Motivation/Learning within how I Serve.
Venus in Virgo: Finding Value where I Transform.
Saturn in Scorpio: Being Responsible to how I Structure.
Pluto Rx in Capricorn: Regenerating/Changing where I Process.
Neptune Rx in Pisces: Inner Healing with what I Have.

Moon in Taurus: Feeling/Emotion/Reflection with how I Communicate.
Jupiter/Mars in Cancer: Motivation/Learning within what I Create.
Venus in Virgo: Finding Value where I Relate.
Saturn in Scorpio: Being Responsible to what I Believe.
Pluto Rx in Capricorn: Regenerating/Changing where I Socialize.
Neptune Rx in Pisces: Inner Healing with who I Am.

Wishing you peaceful tidings from the feminine channels of your life, Dear Stars.