Create Your NOW & OWN Your Truth

CreativeVortex.SharitastarThe Zodiac skies above have a truly tremendous treat for anyone to enjoy down here below as we head into Summer 2015.  Undoubtedly, if you were tuned in to the recent ‘Not Your Average Mercury Retrograde’ 18 May to 11 June, you are more than ready for this relief.

The Creativity Vortex
What’s happening and already forming from above is a pure channel of delight that is sure to tickle anyone’s fancy who enjoys feeling good, seizing opportunities for growth, honoring truth and finding their creative flow.  This passage will move with plenty of originality, the unexpected, break-through energy and never seen before kinds of ideas that are just waiting to be heard, listened to, and absolutely acted upon.

Let us all warmly welcome Uranus in Aries trine Jupiter in Leo. These two fire signs are thrilled to be serving up some power and complete potential to make positive change via the planets that are currently transiting within them. While Uranus and Jupiter are already in close conversation, their exact meet up at the 20th degree of Aries and Leo occurs Monday, 9:46am EDT 6:46am PDT, 22 June.

We already know fire on it’s own creates spirited and inspired energy, but when you have the planet of reform, eccentricity and individuality –Uranus, journeying through pioneering Aries- making joyous communication with the planet of philosophy, truth and good fortune –Jupiter, journeying through heartfelt Leo- something purely magical is bound to happen. If you have been waiting for that sensation of knowing you are “in the right place at the right time” this is one of the more powerful ones that you’ll feel strongly about during 2015.

Allow Your Imagination to Soar
At this 20th degree planetary meetup in Aries and Leo, we have another clue to how much it all relates to us waking up and connecting to what is channeling from our feelings through our imagination. The 20 represents the ‘The Awakening’ as the Chaldean’s understood its’ karmic mystery to proclaim:

“There is a powerful awakening, bringing in a new purpose, new plans, new ambitions- the call to action for some great cause or ideal. 20 brings the blessing of vivid precognitive dreams, plus the ability to manifest the happy ones and cancel the negative ones.” ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs

So get out your dream journals, and captivate it all to create what you are seeking to move forward in your life NOW, and as “they” say: OWN it. Even after the 22 June, Uranus and Jupiter will continue to journey within 2 degrees of one another until the second week of July. Our source energy will completely be on fire, and it’s going to be abundant, amazing and astonishing across the board for those who hone right on in.

Bonus Reigning in of Harmony and Balance
As if Uranus and Jupiter bringing us this creative and imaginative zone of truth and inspiration between Aries and Leo isn’t enough, there is more good news to relate from our planetary skies.

Venus, our planet of luxury, pleasure, harmony and relationships, also becomes part of this dynamic channel -who equally is journeying within Leo. Adding in a pure boost of energy to what Uranus and Jupiter will create on their own, Venus flavors this aspect even more when she herself trines Uranus from the 20th degree of Leo Monday, 2:26amEDT, 29 June/Sunday, 11:26pm PDT, 28 June.  Strokes of pure luck, more money and a special flare of creative fire will make sure whatever is being originated, is looking extra pretty as well.

The Soul Testing is Over
And there is more abundance to speak of from this divine planetary tale! By Wednesday, 3:51am EDT 1:51amPDT, 01 July –preceding the Full Moon in Capricorn that evening- Venus makes a conjunction to Jupiter in Leo at the 21st degree. While the generosity of what will already be going on will certainly seem like enough, this conversation simply allows all the more optimism, joy, fortune, and a sense of peace to wave a magic wand over whatever is in current motion.

At the 21st degree, many will also sense (if they have done the previous “soul homework” of looking within) that 2015’s soul testing -which has been undeniably strong for most- is over. There is joy to receive, truth to honor, and a NOW to OWN as we can all reclaim it. Said the Chaldeans of the 21:

“21 is pictured as The Universe, and also is called ‘The Crown of the Magi.’ It promises general success, and guarantees advancement, honors, awards, and general elevation in the life and career. It indicates victory after a long struggle, for the Crown of the Magi is gained only after long initiation, much soul testing and various other tests of determination. However, the person or entity blessed with the number 21 may be certain of final victory over all odds and all opposition. It’s a most fortunate vibration- a number of karmic reward.” ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs

How Can You Reap Rewards?
There are so many benefits and good feelings to recognize and captivate through the proper use of our intentions in the weeks ahead. As this collective energy pursues, it undoubtedly will be highly contagious, so watch out for good feelings to be coming your way. But where should you personally focus for your individual success when it comes to what this channel is asking for us all to listen to the most? If you know your sun sign, this is a great place to start!

Sharita Star provides perfect timing is everything tools for you to unlock your keys to success. Catch her weekly podcasts and bi-monthly lunar forecasts for your personal peace of mind in changing times.

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LunarOScopes What’s Beginning or Releasing for You each New & Full Moon?

To the pure joys as your OWN your NOW and see how much you have WON Dear Stars. Use Your Source.

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