Preparing for The Messengers’ Reflection

Mercury enters Leo
25 June
10:24pm EDT
Our Messenger planet Mercury now finishes his journey with The Crab and moves forward to take up with a bit of a longer visit in The Lion that will last until 31 August. Yes, Dear Stars, it’s already time to start thinking about the next Mercury Retrograde passage.
The collective’s communications now engage in the preferred Leo energy of noble, heart-felt and respected methods of response, while it is well advised to avoid authoritarian and self-satisfied reactions. The loyal Lion doesn’t mind a good roar here and there, yet if this is streaming from the echoes of the ego, curtains can come down upon anyone’s center stage. Be well aware of this tendency especially from 14 July to 08 August under the Retrograde transit.
We begin the Approach to this upcoming passage right away upon 27 June as Mercury reaches 01 degrees Leo, the very same degree point he will travel backwards to again upon 08 August. Even as Saturn goes Direct in Libra 25 June, and Venus in Gemini returns to looking where she is going upon the 27th, we are cast in the previews of all things that will be under heavy review, redo and all the RE’s that come with the understanding of Mercury’s backwards pace. Just think of how balanced you’ll feel by the end of summer as Gemini and Libra have been reassessed, and now it’s time for the Leo area of the Zodiac Pie to get some down time to sharpen up.
Where all things come forth within our thinking, mentality, and transferring of ideas, Mercury in Leo is now here for the summer and will take some time in true vacation mode. While under review within a fixed energy, our Messenger’s flexibility can present itself as more of a challenge to reach. The development of humbleness and organization will aide in preventing stagnation to occur. Gravitating to creative, independent, and ample energies allow for mentalities and thoughts to align in comprehensive and dignified means of expression.
More to come on what our second Mercury Retrograde passage of 2012 will mean for you, and gentle REminders of all those do’s and don’t under this transit. In the meantime Dear Stars, always know when you think from the HEART in the weeks ahead, you most certainly will receive the EARTH’s gracious rewards to feel good about.