Mars enters Leo 18 September

a quick word on The Pioneer….

Mars enters Leo
9:51pm EDT 18 September through 10 November

Mars is quite comfortable within Leo’s fire energy, which promises a collective time for the stimulation of leadership, enthusiasm, and benevolence within our lives. Be cautious of the potential for drama to emerge- rather than react to it with anger, respond to it with heart. As Mars journeys with the The Lion, lack of humility can be present, so the cultivation of this aids in the dynamic energy this transit can present.

Look to where Leo natally sits within your Zodiac Pie. Expect impulsive, passionate and ardent desires to be activated here. Remaining loyal to the heart and being in the awareness of what feelings may erupt that should be disciplined is key for this transit to bring any soul their rewards. As Mars equally is the planet that can bring forth finalizations, being in the recognition of what may be necessary to let go of within this area of the life is time well spent through 10 November.