21 February

5:35pm EST

NEW Moon in Pisces

Practicing Peace

A new energy is birthing where The Fishes swim in your Zodiac Pie. As the collective’s emotional focus shifts to a sympathetic nature, we take up initiation in the gentle sign that brings us imagination and sentimentality. How will you embrace the powerful instinct that prefers peace to find you as another Waxing Phase begins?

Moon enters Pisces,
Tuesday, 21 February, 12:31pm EST until Thursday, 23 February at 9:48pm EST

Deep and ever-active feelings love to find us as our Lunar Lady takes a swim with The Fishes. It is a great time to ponder in mystery, but be sure not to venture too far in the unknown. Emotions in mutable water lean to a susceptible energy that can easy to gravitate to indecisive, weak-willed, and lazy tendencies. There is great power in cultivating clarity and concentrating on instinct during this passage. Be cautious however of deceptive, self-indulgent, and chaotic feelings.

New Moon, 21 February, 5:35pm EST, 02 degrees Pisces

When our New Moon shows itself in the dreamy energies of Pisces -the sign that consciously aims for understanding- there couldn’t be a more auspicious time to receive impressions that open up our intuitive natures. Be sure to check the Piscean House, in particular the 02-degree Pisces spot, in your personal birth chart to see where a new energy is ideally meant to unfold. This is the area of life that heavily favors initiation in the next two weeks to follow. Seeds that you plant in this half of your Zodiac pie as the light gathers until the next Full Moon upon 08 March, are bound to reap a rich harvest further down the road.

For the Collective

The possibility of restless feelings may create some waves, so make sure you stay swimming in safe waters as this New Moon kicks off. Mercury has been journeying with The Fishes, and placing clues as to how we should best communicate our feelings at this time since 13 February. Neptune and Chiron on either side of our Sun and Moon -at 0 degrees and 04 degrees Pisces respectively- both indicate being within stillness will be the best way to receive the intuitive channel of this passage. Childhood memories may surface, which now wish to change your beliefs upon these first impressions. Wounds from the past can be gently healed at this time.

Since our last Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius, this is the 4th New Moon that initiates at the 2nd degree of the sign, furthering our understanding about nurturing the spiritual awakening that is already in forward motion on this planet. These next two weeks are dynamic in the possibilities to practice peace within our lives. By 08 March, the very last Full Moon releasing at the 18th degree of Virgo, will conclude an intense period of letting go so we can make room for ultimate new beginnings as we celebrate the New Moon in Aries.

Lunar-O-Scope, New Moon in Pisces, 2012

For the collective horoscope, again we offer advice for every sign from the outer vantage point. Remember, if you know your Rising Sign (Ascendant), read that passage too, for it typically will apply to your personal charts’ advice, more so if the earlier degrees of it. Keep in mind, the exact casting of the natal birth chart determines a precise perspective of how the current transits of the planets personally and specifically affect you.

Aries: No stranger to exploration Dear Ram, so are you ready to really dive into those inner places in your life? The self-discovery you are about to unfold will have you looking forward to all kinds of self-undoing. The spiritual, subconscious realms, and the psychological make-ups of life have already been chatting to you to journey within your own head. You love to take the lead, so keep on striking up new ideas about how you spend intimate time with your spirit and soul.

Taurus: Your friendships have been conversing about change, and now it really takes place. New groups or causes you’ve been thinking about don’t require your patience any longer. Something you’ve wished for since a child can truly come into manifestation- so listen carefully to your dreams. Organizations are quite influential at this time. Accept that invitation to socialize -aside from emotional comfort- there is equal mental satisfaction you’ll gain from attending.

Gemini: A buzz of energy surrounds you now in the career and public life, and continue to be on the look-out for those changes. This is a fantastic time to promote or start a new business. A nice recognition may just come your way, and one you may have visualized since being quite young. Your relationship to authority can see improved communications- allowing you to arrive at an understanding you’ve not been responsible to before as old worn out impressions here disappear.

Cancer: You’ve been stimulated as of late to feel quite imaginative about a new direction you’ll take your philosophies now. Plan a trip, take one, or find ways to broaden your view of the world at large. Remember your vision of the world as a child- this still wishes to speak with you now. With sensitivity and intuition surrounding you, expand your beliefs. Tune-in to your instinct, and let in some exploration within new educational pursuits that equally serve your spiritual desires.

Leo: Your securities and investments have already been communicating how to make decisions about changes here. You can find smart ways to make not only yours, but other people’s money to create wealth for you at present. Somehow, your childhood plays a role in this current process as a surge of regeneration and change within your soul’s core eagerly awaits completion. Go ahead and feel sexy Lion, as you also tap into sensual desires to feel new in mysterious ways.

Virgo: Toss off the logic Virgin, now is not the time to be shy within your partnerships, from your romantic ties to business contacts. Present connections are of special importance to the future, so feel no doubt with any decisions moving forward. Don’t fuss or worry about the details, as the realms of communications have been speaking intuitively to you about the direction to take, which has something to do with remembering impressions you received at a young age.

Libra: Ready to embrace the opportunity with both arms to bring improvements to your health? There are new beginnings in how to find your peace when being of service to the world. Helping others at present really feels perfect. Thinking about taking on a new routine that you may have wanted to do since you were a kid? Implement it now- it has the means to stick around and continue to work. Starting a new relationship with a pet, is also a balance for your Scales.

Scorpio: Admire what power brings you, and combine that with your impressions from childhood, and you’ll have plenty of it at your creative fingertips. Excitement and confidence are now behind whatever your current projects involve. Trust that feeling to be much more playful, especially enjoying any contacts with children. Offspring or a “brain child” wish to captivate your attention now. Take a deserved bow on a center stage, but don’t let your ego take the lead.

Sagittarius: One of your multi-tasks has seen you doing some pre-Spring cleaning Archer, which has brought upon a fresh sparkle to change-up your environment. While you are no stranger to loving it different, you are all ready for them within the home. Your arrows set their aims to focus upon your family life. Aside from your impressions here from youth, déjà vu and psychic experiences, have very important messages at present for you to receive.

Capricorn: Is it possible to make you any wiser old Goat? Well, you know better than most we never stop learning, and you have been stimulated to improve your mental capacity. Go back to your hard-working childhood and see how this connects with the present ideas. Plan a short trip now if you aren’t already on one. A spiritual journey for your mind is a path that will bring you plenty of reward and that will serve in healing, as fresh way of thinking works hard to reach you.

Aquarius: There are some new values originating that get you in the mood now to take stock of your personal possessions. New ways to earn your dollars are finding their individual means to invent themselves at present. Look to your values as a child and what these mean to you now. New life seeks to enter your entire sense of security. You may find yourself making a purchase that grants a deeper understanding about what truly matters to you most, which can heal you.

Pisces: The light is on you Dear Fishes, to put on a fresh new face. Exciting new feelings of self-sufficiency take the lead in the waters you choose to swim in. While your sympathetic concern is always intense for others, be intuitive first and foremost with yourself. What has always motivated you since you were young? As the world awaits to see you differently- you have prepared to reveal the inspiring ways you’ll now receive your first impressions and approaches.