in Scorpio

17 May, 7:09amEDT

Regenerating Our Core…

Moon enters Scorpio
Sunday 15 May, 12:31pm EDT til Tuesday, 17 May at 1:09pm EDT

Anytime our Moon is transiting in a water sign, our emotions have all the more tendency to become a powerful force over us. This month, as the Taurus Sun urges our ultimate patience and responsibility, the Moon reflects and asks that we examine our core and filter our emotions in regards to transformation and self-control while it journeys through complimentary Scorpio.

Full Moon, 17 May, 7:09am EDT, 26 degrees Scorpio
This is the second full illumination within our Spring. Your Scorpio piece of your personal Zodiac Pie will point to where you will most certainly feel a magnetic force that leads up to Tuesday morning, as energy completes itself here. Look to this area of life to properly focus on release and reflection within the waning period over the next two weeks until our next New Moon 01 June.

For the Collective
Be open to the request of our Full Moon in Scorpio, bringing forth an acute instinct and imagination for us all to embrace. We are called to look to matters concerning our determination, sensitivities, and power to investigate. Intense feelings and the capacity for reliving past experiences are strong, as well as psychic energies being especially prominent under this sign.

Be aware of stinging, self-tormenting, and defiant reactions. The urge to manipulate should be avoided. Desires will be powerful and channeling them with proper intention is essential for this regenerative force to optimally heal.

Lunar-O-Scope, Full Moon in Scorpio, 17 May 2011
For the collective horoscope, again we offer advice for every sign from the outer vantage point. Remember, if you know your Rising Sign (Ascendant), read that passage too, for it typically will apply to your personal charts’ advice. Keep in mind, the exact casting of the natal birth chart determines a closer perspective to how the current transits of the planets personally and specifically affect you.

Aries: It’s the perfect time to focus your attention and review your investments, taxes, shared/joint resources. Remember just to look, and then take forward motion here after 01 June. Other people’s sources of money may no longer be serving you. Some intense transformation can also take you in directions you’ve never known before. Intimacy wishes to be explored, as these deep changes regenerate you to let go of worn out habits that make room for excitement later.

Taurus: You are determined to share your feelings about those closest to you, personal or business related. A person from the past may surface, or one equally may be let go of as conclusions form here. You are reflective upon how you ultimately carry out your personal relations. Whatever doors have recently closed in your life, recognizing how they have transformed you will allow some new ones to show themselves all the easier.

Gemini: Your routine, personal habits, and health seek both sides of you to unite to bring on some regeneration. This requires you to stop moving, at least for a little while! The power you find in stillness brings forth all the answers that wish to come. Take a look at the way you are being of service to others, for there are equal improvements to be made. Time spent with pets is a source of healing and brings unity from the depths of your soul.

Cancer: That artistic or creative adventure you’ve been putting all your imagination into looks for a completion. Children may be on your mind, or require your focus now. Love affairs may also be contemplated, and you are anxious to figure out whether they are meant to become something you bring the curtain up or down upon. Take some time to be social and get out there in the spotlight, for there is applause you are also about to receive.

Leo: Home and family matters become quite heartfelt, and there are issues concerning them that will find a release now. Time spend cleaning in the home rejuvenates and makes room for new energies to emerge here later. Remember there is still balance you need to achieve where you recharge in the Lions’ lair. Play close attention to any déjà vu – under this especially psychic full moon you’ll be sure to receive an extra intense and powerful message.

Virgo: Time to re-organize your thinking Dear Virgin. This is truly no time to hone in on any tendency to doubt, and it is best you remain in positive thoughts. When you sense something deep, keep going there. Taking time in reflection to write, educate, or learn should delight your need to intellectualize, but be sure you don’t get stuck in logic. Something has been holding your thought process back for a long time that urges that regenerative energy to shine upon you now.

Libra: Your earning power and value system urge your investigation, as now is the time to re-evaluate your securities. A channel of earning power may see a conclusion. There is a possession you have you should consider parting with, as you no longer have to be dependant upon what you no longer need. Steer clear of impulsive purchases. Remember all of the current feelings surrounding a slow patient process in your life teaches you lessons you must learn to evolve.

Scorpio: The most reflective time of the year is upon you now, and it’s your spotlight Eagle! New approaches and letting go of what doesn’t fit into your passionate and magnetic world is the mystery that awaits your detective solution. There is a different way the world is about to see you- but these last moments of release desire your attention before that new mask can be put on. It is time to let go of a worn out impression you needlessly carry about the world.

Sagittarius: There are plenty of arrows shooting off in your subconscious realms that this Moons’ energy will take you Archer. You are sensing the workings of that inner world as it is time to go further within hidden matters that wish to be resolved now. There is a re-educational process involving spirituality you’ll unravel that surely will have you aiming higher than ever. Take special note of your dreams, as these equally share innate wisdom about your waking world.

Capricorn: Time to hold up on the work old Goat and labor with your friendships and organizations. You may find yourself reliving a many experiences within the roles you’ve played in your groups right now. There is an ultimate responsibility here that brings new life to you, so don’t miss the task at hand which requires a rebirth, as maybe some traditions in this area need revitalizing. When you receive that unexpected invitation, don’t use work as an excuse not to go.

Aquarius: Matters of work and toil are on the surface right now, and reflection asks you take a vacation from all of your inventions. Your purpose, mission, and reputation all await significant changes. A long term project here sees it’s fruition. There is an intense and passionate new life you are meant to bring to the career, so detach yourself from the stagnation that’s been holding you back from your own truth. Pondering your view on authority is also felt strongly.

Pisces: What belief no longer is powerful enough Dear Fishes? The waters are safe now to swim in that can bring on necessary changes here. Even if you only take a trip in the mind- you are urged to find some real higher education that releases a worn-out philosophy. Gravitation to your deepest psychic realms is especially rewarding. Now is not the time to let logic bring you to fear of the unknown, as it only makes perfect sense to allow the past to stay where it belongs.


NEW Moon in Scorpio,
13 Degrees,
06 November,

We now enter the second Waxing Phase of Autumn. While our Sun is still amidst the transformations of Scorpio, the Moon will naturally “disappear” into the night sky, then begin to gather light once more within the same sign of Scorpio. The collective’s emotions enter The Eagle Friday, 05 November at 2:16amEDT, until Sunday 07 at 3:28amEST.

With any New Moon occurring in a water sign, our emotions have all the more tendency to become a powerful force over us. This month, as the Sun reaches Scorpio at 13 degrees (urging us to submit to regeneration and change), the Moon equally asks that we take this time to embark upon new beginnings through our emotional take on transformation and self-control, as she kicks off initiations in this precise piece of the Zodiac Pie.

Keep in mind, The Romantic Venus will continue her REtrograde activity through 18 November, and just so happens to also be transiting at 0 degrees Scorpio, just before dipping back into Libra. This is also an auspicious number for the completion of cycles to occur under. The things we cherish most from possessions to relationships are great places to be focusing reflection upon at present. Allowing necessary changes here brings forth reward.

Be open to the request of our New Moon in Scorpio. This is a collective calling to unlock some new energies concerning our determination, sensitivities, and power to investigate. Intense feelings and the capacity for reliving past experiences are strong. Be aware however of stinging, self-tormenting, and defiant reactions.

A New Moon in Scorpio brings forth an acute instinct and imagination. Your Scorpio piece of your personal Zodiac Pie will point to where you will most certainly feel a magnetic force this weekend, as well as the area of life to focus upon all anew for the next two weeks till our next Full Moon upon 21 November. (Be sure to watch those dos and don’ts of the current Venus REtrograde however through the 18th Nov.)

For the collective horoscope, again we offer advice for every sign from the outer vantage point. Remember, if you know your Rising Sign (Ascendant), read that passage too, for it typically will apply to your personal charts’ advice. Keep in mind, the exact casting of the natal birth chart determines how the current transits of the planets affect you.

LUNAR-O-SCOPE, New Moon in Scorpio, 2010

Aries: If you have already been feeling the urge to REassess your investments, taxes, shared/joint resources, this is a fine place to focus your attention right now for the future. REmember just look first, aligning those legal moves after the 18th. You’re also transforming in ways that may even be taking you in directions you’ve never known before. Allow these deep changes to emerge, and the stir that’s been going on with your deepest sense of personal regeneration moves forward intensely now.

Taurus: You’ve been determined to share your feelings about those closest to you as of late, personal or business related. Try to steer clear about being fixed to the past, but rather, let the past be your teacher to now bring on a fresh attitude with those you are intimate with. Whatever doors may have recently closed in your life, these are not the ones to focus on. Recognizing how they have transformed you will optimally allow the new ones to open in your life all the easier.

Gemini: Your routine, personal habits, and health have been seeking both sides of you to unite to bring on some regeneration. The only requirement here is that you to stop moving, at least for a little while! Take a look at the way you are being of service to others, for there are new improvements to embark upon here. Relationships to those you are employed with also can find new ways to co-operate and move optimally forward, but hold off on those legalities until after 18 November.

Cancer: There is a new artistic or creative adventure that awaits your imagination to flourish within. While you more than likely have been also reassessing some that are already underway, there is a fresh energy that wishes to find you here now. Children may be on your mind, or require your focus now. Old love affairs also have been entertaining you, and now you are anxious to figure out whether they are meant to become something you bring the curtain up or down upon. Just wait until after 18 November to totally decide upon the something new.

Leo: Home and family have been reigning in the Lion’s forest, and there are issues concerning them that will find a new way of being now. This has been a great time to truly understand what this area of life means to you, and it’s time to allow regenerative energies in here to let in something to change it for the better. Play close attention to any déjà vu – under this especially psychic new moon you’ll be sure to receive an extra intense and powerful message.

Virgo: You’ve really been having some fun re-organizing your thinking Dear Virgin. While this hasn’t been a good time to hone in on your tendency to doubt, it is best you remain in positive thoughts now. When you sense something deep, keep going there. Taking time in reflection to write, educate, or learn should delight your need to intellectualize, but be sure you don’t get stuck in too much logic. Something has been holding your thought process back for a long time that urges a complete transformation to shine upon you now.

Libra: Your earning power and value system have been urging your investigation, as now is the time to think about new ways to balance your securities. There is a new possession that is on the way, and if it shows itself before 18 November, better make sure it is a bargain! Remember at the end of it all, there is no reason to be dependant upon what you no longer need. Steer clear of impulsive and luxury purchases.

Scorpio: It is the time of the year to bring it all on anew Eagle! As Venus has been requesting you to let go of what doesn’t fit into your passionate and magnetic world, there now are new approaches that await your detective solution. There is a different way the world is about to see you- and you are ever so thrilled to remain mysterious with that new mask you are about to put on.

Sagittarius: There’s been a plenty of arrows shooting off in your subconscious realms as of late that wants to take you into your inner aims Archer. Your ethereal world is now ready to go into some intense territory, as some matters of the subconscious wish to find new ways to reveal themselves to you now. There’s a fresh path to your sense of spirituality you’ll also unravel that once revealed, surely will have you aiming higher than ever before.

Capricorn: Have you been adhering to Venus’s recent request to hold up on the work old Goat and labor with your friendships and organizations? You may find yourself reliving a many experiences within the roles you’ve played in your groups right now. There is an ultimate responsibility here that brings new life to you, so don’t miss the task at hand which requires a rebirth, as maybe some traditions in this area need revitalizing. Accept that unexpected social invitation- it will bring you something grand for your long-term goals.

Aquarius: Matters of work and toil have been on the surface right now, and now there is a new invention that finds birth here. Your purpose, mission, and reputation all await and welcome new changes now. There is an intense and passionate new life you are meant to bring to the career, so detach yourself from any stagnation that may be holding you back from your own truth. Best to sign any agreements for the long-term after 18 November.

Pisces: For sure you’ve been thinking about another adventure or ones you’ve been on Dear Fishes. The waters are safe now to go ahead and make those future plans. Even if you only take a trip in the mind- you are urged to find some real higher education that awakens a new philosophy in you. You’ve been swimming far away as of late from those worn-out beliefs that need to fall to the bottom of your sea. Your gravitation to the psychic realms should be especially rewarding. Now is not the time to let logic bring you to fear of the unknown, while it only makes perfect sense to allow certain parts of the past to remain where they belong.