Tag Archives: Chaldean Numerology and LIFE
Word Ponder: LIFE
“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” -Soren Kierkegaard
Life, because of another small mystery involving TIME being MITE, is always being presented to us as something we should grab hold of, cherish, and savor. While the moments of any of the lives we have had wrap it all up into ONE EON, it is this life -the one we are currently in- that is the most important one to honor. But Life itself, some how, no matter how mite that time goes by, is remembered for all eternity.
Life itself is guided by a name expression, just like any person is, through the mathematical calculations of the letters composing it. Our ancient Chaldeans had a true winning formula on their hands when they attuned the letters of our alphabet to particular numerical vibrations, which is based upon the 8 natural notes in the musical scale. Like a zodiac sun sign, the calculation of a name expression casts fascinating insight and advice for us to utilize.
Our last word ponder was about LOVE, which carries the numerical expression of the 21’s ‘The Crown of the Magi.’ As we look to the name expression of LIFE, its’ Chaldean Karmic Mystery -that of the 17- carries the meaning of ‘The Star of the Magi.’ Love… Life… Magis… There sure seems to be a magical formula here!
No matter what Life we are looking at, the very understanding of how any soul should lead it is so true to what the Chaldeans wisely claimed the 17 to be: “This is a highly spiritual number, and was expressed in symbolism by the ancient Chaldeans as the 8 pointed Star of Venus. The Star of the Magi is the image of Love and Peace, and promises that the person or entity it represents will rise superior in spirit to the trials and difficulties of earlier life, with the ability to conquer former failure in personal relationships and the career. 17 is ‘the number of Immortality,’ and indicates that the person’s (or entity’s) name will live after him.”
So remember in your own LIFE, those early years, the growing pains, the things we all need to do to “figure it all out” are MEANT to happen! Your Life promises you that there will be a personal rise in the insight you will attain within your spiritual being as those images of love and peace are applied all along your evolution.
People often talk about life being too hard. To a certain degree, this is true when you have the singular influence of Saturn, guiding the singular 8 energies behind Life. Yet Saturn, (through his job of presenting strict lessons we have to learn to grow properly), wishes to only grant us the ability to be responsible. Life is about Saturn’s lessons of learning through experience, gaining stability, and fully embracing one of the very important virtues that allows all the rest of it to unfold: patience.
Another gift of Saturn is finding the true worth within whatever it is he has influence over. Saturn, is far too busy to ever be wasting that mite time in life. Undoubtedly you’ve heard a many people along the way say, “I just want life to be worth it.” Guess what? Take heed of Saturn’s wisdom here through the 17, and you’ll find LIFE is indeed worth every breathing moment.
Then, once you’ve achieved all your spirit is meant to in this present gift of life, it will be remembered for all eternity. No matter who we’ve been before this incarnation, all of these lives are distinctly imprinted in our soul’s library of memories. Life is eternal. It never dies. Our vessels do, but our spirit remains forever.
So, don’t give way to the LIE, and be sure to avoid those what IF’s of LIFE!
YOU are the STAR and the MAGI of yours!
Namaste Dear Stars!
*Many thanks to Glenn Kidd, and ‘GENERATION GLENN’ for the inspiration for this piece. LISTEN to this fantastic new radio show every Sunday evening 10pm EDT on Contact Talk Radio! http://www.contacttalkradio.com/hosts/glenn_kidd.html