New Moon in Capricorn
24 December 2011
1:06pm EST

Grounding Practical Feelings

Welcome to the final NEW Moon of 2011! As we have just celebrated the Winter Solstice, it is now time to gather up initiations and embrace the gifts of the season in true forward motion. While the Shadow of the recent Mercury Retrograde still remains until 01 January, be ready for a fresh and favored energy to emerge where The Goat ambitiously climbs in your life.

Moon enters Capricorn
Saturday, 8:47am EST 24 December to Monday, 12:14pm EST 26 December
Depending upon your personal feelings, Winter may not be your favorite time of the year to feel “anew” within. Yet, as life always presents us with change, heeding to the wisdom within winter can be valuable beyond the typical “blues” that tend to be experienced. Remember the Goat’s virtues of stability, patience, responsibility, and ambition- these are the ones the Universe requests we utilize. Our Lunar Lady’s transit through this practical sign requests that we get a little more serious about what we feel, and bring those emotions right down to earth to find a sure direction to flow.

New Moon, 1:06pm EST 24 December, 02 degrees Capricorn
There is no better time to tap into discovering some diligent outlooks, some which may seem a little too serious- but reliable these will be to grab hold of. Whichever area of life the 02-degree Capricorn piece of the collective and natal Zodiac Pie falls is where you can expect to see some fresh starts to emerge. Take the next 2 weeks to plant the seeds that will, with proper intention, reap a fantastic harvest in the life further down the road. Should you choose to partake in the tendency for a Capricorn Moon to gravitate to brooding, gloomy or suspicious feelings, you’ll miss the opportunities to recognize the new mountains you are meant to climb in this area of the life.

For the Collective
2011 opened and now closes its final New Moon cycle within The Goat. Looking to how the Solar Eclipse that paired up with 04 January’s lunar kick-off at the 13 degree Capricorn point, as we have evolved through this Universal Year, no doubt we all have seen those new beginnings from last Winter having arrived at a completion of energy where Capricorn affects our Zodiac Pie. As this month’s New Moon emerges, it’s time to take that patient pause and take in what we are meant to take charge of and be ready to initiate as a whole new cycle starts.

Taking note of our Taurus slice of life, we find a nice alignment of communication between this New Moon and where Jupiter is currently transiting at 0 degrees. Our planet of luck, fortune and growth returns to Direct motion upon Christmas Day. Whatever is presently cropping up in Capricorn, Jupiter aides this lunation to bring out this fresh energy with a nice dose of optimism as it trines from the area of life where The Bull firmly plants stability within your life. Expect what feelings come to be expanded, sincere, and most certainly dignified in their outcomes.

LUNAR-O-SCOPE, NEW Moon in Capricorn 2011
For the collective horoscope, again we offer advice for every sign from the outer vantage point. Remember, if you know your Rising Sign (Ascendant), read that passage too, for it typically will apply to your personal charts’ advice. Keep in mind, the exact casting of the natal birth chart determines a precise perspective of how the current transits of the planets personally and specifically affect you.

Aries: While you may feel like playing like a kid, it’s time you think about some fresh starts in the career, which are further blessed by your earning power at present. There is some recognition and reward that wishes to bless your public life. Promotions and publicity are easy to find you, as the way you take in those daily dollars boosts whatever business or work you toil in. A new way of regarding authority displays itself, which may deal with a paternal figure in your life.

Taurus: Time to make those travel plans if you aren’t already jet setting somewhere, so don’t be stubborn and miss them! Whether you use your passport or your mind, you are journeying to new faraway places. There’s an abundance of fresh beliefs and higher learning coming your way, which leads to a true spiritual quest. With all the happy energy that has been fueling those first impressions and approaches, if you are bored this winter, you’ve stayed stuck for too long.

Gemini: Mini Gem, get ready for some wealth and to increase what you already have. There are some new starts to emerge within your investments that bring improvements here. Whether it be through a windfall, the ability to have other people’s money work for you shows itself. Make sure you do unite the powerful urge to transform, which truly will align when you spend time in solitude and examine your nighttime dreams. Intimacy and desires for you equally feel alive and well.

Cancer: The relationship blessing is upon you once more! You’ll find yourself in the pursuit of a new partnership, whether business or romance. Should an existing relationship need closer examination, your focus moves here, to any close alliances to flourish for you now. Utilize a healthy imagination and sensitive nature to watch them grow, as you may also find these relate to the groups or friends you already know. Wish well this New Moon, for they will come true.

Leo: If it is new it is for you regarding health, routines, habits, and your ability to be of service. You are stimulated to clean-up and organize a new regime that benefits your personal skills. Your daily routine is motivated to a more serious responsibility. There is a true stability to be found in your work environment, which is gladly met with the happiness happening in your career and public life. Thinking about a new pet? Someone special awaits for their royal master to arrive.

Virgo: As always, it is no time to be shy with the new creative projects that require your flawless detail and attention. There is a vibrancy that arrives to your overall self-esteem. Children or “brain-children” take your focus. Your desire to play, simply have fun, as you captivate the energies surrounding your closest feelings. A love affair flirts. All allows you to be the student as well, as you wish learn something new. Traveling opens up your creative nature all the more.

Libra: Those Scales are ready to find balance by taking up with your environment. The home front is calling to you, as there are improvements to be had within your comfort zone. Your family involvements and ties with parental figures will be prominent. Don’t ignore that deja-vu you receive. Remember, with Saturn presently in your sign, patience is essential or those lessons may appear. That slow pace is bringing rewards within your wealth, so let this transformation in.

Scorpio: The latest mystery to be cleared up finds you probing intellectual ways to reach new goals in your mentality. A short trip may just put everything into the larger perspective you innately know how to see everything from. Those thoughts you’ve been feeling- it’s now time to write it all down. Should you have siblings, you may find they will be requiring your attention as well. As you align the mind, you find your relationships with others so too becomes the victor.

Sagittarius: Your arrows aim now Archer at some fresh ways to take in what you have. Welcome a new pattern of income flow. Ideally, your value system sees some stabilizing overall, as changes ambitiously find you here. Rather than acquiring unnecessary possessions, make wise choices with them. You’ll find these value shifts make your ability to serve even more abundant and your entire state of health equally is thrilled with this new income routine that directs you.

Capricorn: How lucky are you to be the first and last New Moon of the year? And guess what you hard working Goats, the time is now to embrace fresh ways to manage all of your approaches. No stranger to the toil, you’ve got a wonderful new energy and enthusiasm in the sense of how the world views you. With your ability to create also being blessed with plenty of optimism, you are so ready to unleash something fabulous from the self, so let yourself shine on.

Aquarius: Should you choose resistance and not go to that inner place, don’t complain about feeling stagnant. Those subconscious realms await for you to dive deep and reinvent your spiritual self. Take time to study your dreams for they more than ever help you gain a better understanding within your waking world. Becoming intimate with your deepest sense of self, lets in the further alignment that wishes to bring a cozier feel to your home and family life.

Pisces: You’ve got new friends to find in the ocean, along with original goals and hopes that desire to inspire you. A new group or organization truly will appreciate your sympathy and understanding, as you direct your powerful imagination. Whatever unexpected social invitations come your way, go: they are all part of the Universe’s divine plan for your future. Tie it all in with the abundance coming from your thinking and mentality and your wishes definitely do come true.

Questions? Comments? Email Sharita! E:


04 January, 2011
Solar Eclipse: 3:50am EST
New Moon: 4:03am EST
13 degrees Capricorn

Happy Universal New Year 2011! We couldn’t ask for a better astrological gift from our planets above to coincide with our resolutions than a Solar Eclipse and New Moon. Our Moon enters Capricorn 2:39am EST 03 January through 11:08am EST 05 January. By astrological law, we can only be experiencing a New Moon, when it is passing through the same exact sign as our Sun.

Even though our Moon moves at the fastest pace around our Zodiac, the affects of this kind of a lunation can been felt in the area of life it “kicks-off” within for the entire year ahead. Always auspicious for new beginnings and seed planting, our first New Moon in 2011 certainly has an extra punch. But these seeds will only flourish if the necessary clearing of the past has been honored. The recent Lunar Eclipse set up the reflection perfectly for us at the very close of 2010, upon the Winter Solstice. Lunar and Solar Eclipses work co-operatively, complementing one another in the opposite houses in which they will fall.

As souls we can take the opportunity of a Solar Eclipse to bring forth all that needs initiation in our lives- with emotion and spirit marking our moves. Aside from the collective horoscope, additional focus also should be placed upon the area of life that the Capricorn house within the natal birth chart rules over; in particular the house where 13 degrees falls. Remember the Goat’s virtues of stability, patience, responsibility, and ambition- these are the ones the Universe requests we utilize.

Whichever area of life the Capricorn piece of the collective and natal Zodiac Pie falls is where you can expect to see some fresh starts to emerge. Take the next 2 weeks to plant the seeds that will, with proper intention, reap a fantastic harvest in the life further down the road. Be in the recognition that what has cleansed within the two weeks under the waning passage since the Lunar Eclipse upon 21 December, 2010, brought the proper cleansing and necessary room to now plant anew!

Before we address every sign personally, there is some uncanny advice Lexigrams wish to share with us about the meaning behind a SOLAR ECLIPSE. Lexigrams are the tales anagrams tell as they are phrased like poetry or prose from any given word, name or title. Each and every sign can apply these deeper messages to their personal area of life which can be captured the within the letters of:



The collective horoscope is able to shed one angle of light where a fresh start wishes to emerge as the Lunar Lady births anew this month. Coupled by the current transit of Mars motivating all energies within Capricorn at present, these initiations have even more drive and ambition behind them to come to life. Equally, if you know your Rising Sign (Ascendant), read that passage as well, for it will typically pinpoint where Capricorn’s energy naturally falls within your personal birth chart. Always remember, it is full mathematical analysis of the natal birth chart that truly indicates how the current planetary energies are uniquely affecting you.

LUNAR-O-SCOPE for the Solar Eclipse/NEW Moon in Capricorn 2011

Aries: We know you love playing like a kid o’ mighty Ram, but it’s time you think about some fresh starts in the career. There is some recognition and reward that can truly bless your public life. Be on the look out for free publicity and ways you can promote your business should you be leading your own cause in life. Situations involving authority may show up for you, whether it’s a new role you are about to take on, or one with a parental figure in your life.

Taurus: There are definite travel plans on your horizon this year, just don’t be stubborn enough to miss them! Best to make sure your passport is up to date. Even if you aren’t getting on a plane and out of the country, you will journey in the mind. There’s an abundance of expansion coming your way, and some higher learning or spiritual quest you are wise to dive into. If there is a legal matter that requests your attention, don’t let it linger unresolved too long.

Gemini: How’s the wealth truly working for both of you? There are some new starts to emerge within your investments that bring improvements to your wealth, so this is a pristine time to do some re-evaluations. A windfall is not entirely out of the question, and the ability to have the support of other people’s money comes your way. The urge to transform is powerful at present. Your sexual nature and desire for mystery equally feels alive and well.

Cancer: Amen, the relationship blessing is upon you! There’s definitely going to be an urge for you to pursue a new partnership, whether business or romance. Should an existing relationship need closer examination, this will be your focus. Close alliances of all kinds can flourish for you now. A word of caution dear Crab, don’t become too clingy or battle for power as you nurture these new beginnings- utilize a healthy imagination and sensitive nature to watch them grow.

Leo: Attention to your health, routines, habits, and your ability to be of service is required in your royal court. You are stimulated to clean-up and organize a new regime that benefits your personal skills. Your daily routine desires a new responsibility. Optimally, there is more stability to be found not only in how you serve the world, but first and foremost yourself. Oh, and if you’ve been thinking about a new pet, take that visit to the animal shelter, there are a many souls awaiting for their Leo master to arrive.

Virgo: New creative projects require your details, so this is no time to be shy, as you’ll also find ways to heighten your overall self-esteem. The affairs of children take your focus. Your desire to play and simply have fun, captivate the energies surrounding your closest feelings. Be on the look out for an exciting love affair. There are many changes about to come to this section of the life, so be prepared for adventures you haven’t logically thought of yet.

Libra: Where are you moving to fair Scales? A renewal on the home front is calling to you now, as there is an improvement to be brought to your comfort zone. Your family involvements become especially important to you now, and ties with parental figures will be prominent. If there are some real estate deals in the works, these should see fruitful outcomes, just remember, with Saturn in your sign, all must be down with integrity, or else! Especially during the Waxing Phase, those deja-vu experiences you have are ones to note for what the upcoming year holds.

Scorpio: You are always probing the latest mystery to be cleared up, and now you’ll take on the most intellectual ways to reach those goals. Perhaps there is a short trip you need to take to put everything into that larger perspective you innately know how to see everything from. Have you been feeling like you want to write it all down anyway? Have plenty of paper and pens on hand in the year ahead, or but of course whatever convenient gadget can document thoughts for you. Should you have siblings, you may find they will be requiring your attention as well.

Sagittarius: Get ready to aim that arrow Archer at some fresh ways to earn those dollars of yours. There’s a welcomed new pattern of income flow that’s coming your way. Ideally, this alters the way your value system has been in place, but you are no stranger to loving a stirring new change. Be cautious about holding on to any unnecessary possessions, and focus upon what you truly have and already appreciate to feel secure. If something new wishes to enter, make sure it is for practical purposes of necessity.

Capricorn: How lucky to be the first Solar Eclipse and New Moon of the year! Guess what you hard working Goats? It’s time to let go of those traditional ways you’ve been dealing with all of your approaches. While you surely know how to toil, there’s a new way things are going to work for you. Embrace this new energy and enthusiasm that is knocking at your door, obviously extra hard. You may not think it is time to fix what you believe isn’t broken, but the way the world sees you is waiting anxiously for your mask to reveal it’s new ambition.

Aquarius: Yes, we all know it’s hard sometimes to go to that inner place, but, if you resist now, don’t complain about feeling stagnant. Time to dive deep into those subconscious realms and reinvent your spiritual self. Your dreams at present are useful tools for gaining a better understanding within your waking world. As much as you may not enjoy intimacy with others, this is the time to become intimate with your deepest sense of self. Just don’t become so detached that you forget those bigger dreams you are here to invent for the humanitarian cause.

Pisces: There’s probably no place you don’t mind swimming to, and this is no time to put the brakes on your fins. You’ve got new friends to find in the ocean, along with original goals, hopes, and wishes that will inspire you. Find a new group or organization that truly will appreciate your sympathy and understanding, and watch the powerful imagination and influence you can unleash. Whatever unexpected social invitations come your way, go for them: they are all part of the Universe’s divine plan for your future.