FULL Moon in Pisces

Releasing Imagination

While the current energy of our Sun urges the cultivation of logic and fussing over details, the collective’s emotional focus points to the exact opposite, one of a sympathetic nature as we celebrate this months’ luminous light show in the gentle sign that brings us imagination and sentimentality. Where are you meant to find conclusions and release a powerful instinct in the two weeks ahead?

Moon enters Pisces 3:26pm EDT 10 Sept to 2:39am EDT 13 Sept

When our Lunar Lady takes a swim with The Fishes deep, imaginative, and ever-active feelings are brought forth. Our present Yang Sun now plays with the logical choice of health and being of service to others while in Virgo. With the Yin Moon’s energy entering in Pisces, ultimate completion is available by where the enthusiasm for sympathy and understanding is the pull back for reflection.

Full Moon, 12 Sept 5:27am EDT, 19 degrees Pisces

When our Full Moon shows itself in the dreamy energies of Pisces -the sign that consciously aims for understanding- there couldn’t be a more auspicious time to receive impressions that open up our intuitive natures in pure abundance. One word of caution is to not fear the psychic energies that are born when the Moon swims with The Fishes- for if we ignore them and try to drown them out, we are missing such important information meant to be assimilated into our beings.

Be sure to check the Piscean House, in particular the 19-degree Pisces spot, in your personal birth chart to see where a conclusive energy is ideally meant to unfold. This is the area of life that requests a release in the next two weeks to follow. What you ultimately shed in this section of your Zodiac pie until the next New Moon upon 27 September is bound to make the necessary room for what is next to come.

For the Collective

There is the possibility of restless feelings that may create some waves, so make sure you stay swimming in safe waters. When susceptible energies are around, it is easy to gravitate to indecisive, weak-willed, and lazy tendencies. There is great power in cultivating clarity and concentrating on instinct during this passage. Be cautious however of deceptive, self-indulgent, and chaotic feelings.

What is of interest to note is the square that formulates from the North and South Nodes at 18 degrees Sagittarius and Gemini upon this lunation. Interlocking with the degrees points of our Sun and Moon at 19 degrees Virgo and Pisces, the ability to feel a structure formulate where the mutable and communicating signs exist within our birth charts is intensely strong. As focus upon the Sagittarian area of life is requested, look to Pisces to unleash the instinct necessary to naturally let your Gemini part of life take care of itself, as Virgo logically casts the light that ideally is of service to everyone.

LUNAR-O-SCOPE Full Moon in Pisces, 2011

For the collective horoscope, again we offer advice for every sign from the outer vantage point. If you know your Rising Sign (Ascendant), read that passage too, for it typically will apply to your personal charts’ advice. Remember it is the awareness and mathematical analysis of the individual birth chart that will point to the accuracy of how the current planetary landscape affects you.

Aries: You’re no stranger to exploration Dear Ram, and now, it’s time to dive into those inner places in your life. There is a self-discovery you are about to release. The spiritual, subconscious realms, and the psychological make-ups of life call to you to really get into your own head. You love taking the lead, so now it’s time to plummet into the depths of your true self and research and reflect upon how you spend time alone with one of your favorite people: You.

Taurus: It’s time to take intuitive stock of your friendships! Who can stay rooted in your life and who is being weeded from your garden? You also may ponder your place within an organization or cause, so there is no need to be patient any longer. You’ll find you are especially willing to talk to just about anyone right now. Accept that unexpected invitation to socialize over this passage, for it naturally brings conclusions to your hopes, dreams and wishes.

Gemini: Conclusive energy surrounds you now in the career and public life, so be on the look out for those changes you love adapting to so much. This is a fantastic time to reassess business, and do some serious review about your ideal place in the public eye. Reflection is favored as well within your relationship to authority- here you may also find some re-workings that should allow you to arrive at an understanding you’ve not been responsible to before.

Cancer: You’re feeling quite imaginative about the directions you wish to take your philosophies now. Remember an old trip, think about taking one, or find ways to broaden your view of the world at large. There is a great deal of sensitivity and intuition surrounding your urges to expand, so be sure to tune-in to your instinct and find some cozy educational pursuits that refresh your spiritual desires. Toss away an old worn out belief you no longer need to cling to.

Leo: If you’ve been thinking about your securities and investments, now is the time to review decisions about any future changes, but make sure these choices are made wisely what should release here. This also marks a time when you feel a surge of transformation that has been waiting to find its completion- a regenerative process within you is about to be finished. You’re definitely feeling sexy Lion, so it’s time for you to get ready to reign like never before.

Virgo: Toss off that logic Virgin, and forget Mercury’s tricks as now is not the time to be shy so you can get cozy with your intimate partnerships. From your romantic ties to business contacts, people you reflect upon over this waning period will stay or be released. Don’t get too fussy or worry about the details, for now is the time to hone in on what your deepest intuition speaks to you about the closest contacts in your life. Just remember: Love isn’t logical.

Libra: Your Scales, oh balanced one, are ready to embrace this opportunity with both arms to bring improvements to your health and all the ways you find peace when being of service. Letting go of something within your routine allows you to find better habits to follow instead. Should there be any urges to expand your relationships with a pet, you may find yourself looking for that perfect match, or if you need to let go of one, you’ll find it a good home at this time.

Scorpio: You ultimately love what power brings you, and now you’ll find your creative nature is lit up like a light bulb. There is much excitement and confidence behind whatever your current project involves, and this sets off an urge to complete the task. Trust and playfulness are abound, especially any contacts you may have with children. Whether it be your offspring or a “brain child,” these will captivate your attention now, along with affairs associated with love.

Sagittarius: One of your multi-tasks has you cleaning the house Archer, as you feel the need to do something different in your home environment. Throw away what you no longer need. There equally is an energy abound requesting your arrows set aims to focus upon your family life, and rest here just a bit. Be on the look out for those déjà vu and psychic experiences, which have a very open channel for you to receive their important messages at present.

Capricorn: Is it possible to make you any wiser old Goat? Well, you know better than most we never stop learning, and you are ready to bring on another conclusion to your mental capacity. Take time to plan short trip now if you aren’t already on one, or revisit one in your mind. This release in your thinking has been working hard to swim away from you, so be sure to remove the hook completely, and let those thoughts you no longer need escape into the deep blue sea.

Aquarius: There are some values you originated some time ago that get you in the mood now to take stock of your personal possessions. Take a look around at these and see what you should part with. You also may find the way you earn your dollars is about to shift, as you find yourself reflecting upon ways to improve this area of the life as well. There is a deeper understanding that you arrive at which deals with what truly matters to you most.

Pisces: It’s your month Dear Fishes to really let it all go! What you sense about your self-sufficiency takes focus, and what you may have recently been pioneering here comes to a completion, now seen in it’s fullest light. While your sympathetic concern runs deep for others, take this time to be intuitive with yourself. Before you can get back to helping those in need with your empathy, recognize your gentle care and concern means more to you now than ever before.

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